meet catherine

Catherine’s story begins as a young girl when her natural talents fostered a love for art that would accompany her through her formative years and into adulthood. While she flirted with many other forms of expression– from teaching to interior design – she has finally come Home to her most organic form: fine arts. After listening to the intuitive flame inside of her, she surrendered to painting that which she has always loved and brings her inner tranquility and a feeling of belonging. Subsequently, the process came naturally and the pieces, beautifully.

Catherine’s relationship to her art is one of love – she finds peace and solace in connecting with nature on a canvas. Her intention is to bring that feeling of stillness and belonging to you. While the external world is rushed and overwhelming, Catherine’s art brings you back to the beauty of the natural world and helps you reconnect with your own stillness – a perfect piece for remaining present throughout your day, wherever you choose to let it live.